Monthly Archives: February 2013

Mine Kafon Wins 5th Place Focus Forward Film Competition

I am very excited to annonce, although a little late, that the short film I worked on a while ago has been awarded the 5th place jury prize in the focus forward film competition at Sundance. It’s great to be involved in such a worthy project and fantastic to see that they have also raised almost £120,000 on kickstarted to further develop the project. I’m looking forward to seeing where they take this amazing idea.



Aussie Lingo Audio Companion Update 1.2

Well things have been pretty hectic the last couple of months but I’ve finally managed to get around to updating my Aussie Slang iPhone and iPad app, Aussie Lingo Audio Companion, to work with the iPhone 5 and iOS 6. It also contains 16 more Audio Examples and I also fixed a few small bugs.

Ausse Lingo Audio Companion

I’ll also be updating the free version, Aussie Audio Slang, in the next couple of weeks as well.

You can download the app from the iTunes store by clicking the icon above or clicking here: